Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Stephanie reports some slightly uncomfortable contractions. She isn't suffering, but she can feel them more than before. Progress? Seems like progress. Funny when being uncomfortable is the desired endpoint.


  1. Christine and I have been chatting back and forth all day because both of us are watching the progress through this blog! Thank you for setting this up, we are all loving being so close to the action from afar!!

    Please tell Stephanie that the Yonans send her our best wishes and hope it's all over quickly!!

    Amanda (Jason and Joshua)

  2. Um, yeah, me too. I feel totally stalker-ish, but I am loving the updates.
    Good luck with the contractions, maybe that means things will get going soon!

  3. hi, this is my second uneducated attempt to post. Stephanie just called us and sounds very good, cheerful and chipper. I called your Mom, Abe, and she would like a call from you or Stephanie also, even if no news. She and I are neophyte bloggers, y'know! Excitement is building!!!

  4. Hey...thanks for making this blog and keeping us anxious people posted.. Steph is napping now I guess, but give her our well wishes...we are anxiously awaiting the new arrival :)

  5. This baby is in no hurry at this point. I'd be a little reluctant to leave my nice warm bed as well.

  6. Dear Abe and Stephanie,
    We are so excited for you! Jesse sent the link to your blog to us this morning. Jesse may have told you that Alex and I had a baby in August. His name is Max. So we are thinking about you both and feeling great empathy for you--the waiting was hard and kind of wonderful too.
    lots of love to you all
    Tiffany Yelton Bram
