Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The waiting begins

The advice that we've gotten over and over is that we should get as much sleep as we can now. We tried. Stephanie did get a lot of sleep last night. Not me. The night before I slept poorly so last night I took sleeping pills figuring this would help. I was asleep from about midnight to 3:30 am, but before and after that it was very fitful. Not really nervous and anxious, just not sleepy. I was counting down the hours until I could get up. I finally got up at 5:58, 2 minutes before the alarm was set to go off. So much for sleep.

We got to the hospital at 7:02. I wondered a little what would have happened if we'd got there at 7:30 or 8 instead. It turns out we would have missed out on some valuable time in the waiting area. They never admit people at 7 because that is when the shifts change. So...the waiting begins.

Lots of women are here trading war stories of past deliveries. Interesting. We've now been waiting to be admitted for 30 minutes. Seems unnecessary.

Stephanie is in a wheelchair, just for her comfort. I'll try to post photos soon.

We saw someone we knew in the parking garage this morning. She opened her car window to ask us something. We assumed she knew why we were at the hospital. But this is also where we work, and it turned out this woman wanted Stephanie to email her some slides...Funny. Funny to do something so personal in the same building where we work.

Summary: our day of waiting has begun.

1 comment:

  1. I was in terrible labor pains with Dylan when we had to go to Columbia Presby. and we ran into a tech in Conrad's Lab who began a complicated conversation. About 2 minutes into it I got rather salty and grabbed Conrad away - geesh!

    And the wheelchair is about "their" liability issues.

    Catnap today if you can!
