Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lots of action -- 3cm and screaming and crying (not us)!

Things are progressing faster. Stephanie is 3 cm and they will start the pitocin any time now. We expect she might get an epidural first, her contractions are still not bad but clearly more painful than they were before. They are still 2-4 min apart still somewhat irregular.

We walked around a little on the L&D ward for a few minutes. Bad idea. There was a commotion the anesthesiologist we'd met came running down the hall looking for an OB/GYN. Seriously running, not walking fast. A woman had just been admitted and was having her baby in the triage area. Lots of commotion, people running, the woman screaming and then...a baby crying. No kidding, just like that. Maybe 5 minutes from the running around until the crying baby. So that is one way to do it. Our experience is a little different, but I'm thinking that February 19th will be a special day in the Palmer family...

It is night and I don't feel like I'm at work at all. totally immersed in this other parallel universe. I'm not board anymore.


  1. Well, I've been following your blog all day long -- thanks for writing it! I was checking it every hour . . . My home computer is too low-tech to permit me to comment so I went over to use the faster computers at long haul so I could send my greetings to you and Stephanie. It sounds like it is going to be a long night. It is funny that I feel a palpable sense of excitement even at this distance. I think it might be hard for me to sleep tonight - anyway, I'll check the blog first thing tomorrow a.m. Love, jese

  2. Amazing! Good luck to Stephanie.
