Tomorrow we go to labor and delivery at 7 am for Stephanie's induction. We are told this might be a long process, perhaps 48 hours before we get a baby out the other end. It begins by using prostaglandins to 'soften' the cervix. That might trigger her body to go into labor, but if not, they will use iv pitocin after some time (12-24 hrs? we aren't clear) to get things moving. Due to all this uncertainty, there may few entries on this blog or there may be a LOT of entrees. We have no idea. Welcome our uncertainty. Welcome to the threshold of our control.
One of the purposes of this blog is to let people get the amount of information they want when they want it. This way you will not need to call or email to get updates; I will post news as it comes. If there isn't a new post, then there is no news or something really interesting is happening so I'm too busy to post.
As my brother Jesse pointed out, it is strange that a medical procedure will dictate a birthday that someone else will celebrate for a long time to come. Anyhow, this is just one of the dozens of strange things going down here in Chicago. I will try to post developments as they happen, not sure if this will be practical or not, but there is a good wireless Internet signal in the parts of labor and delivery we've been to so far. Stephanie is complaining right now about being kicked, I can't see it right now, but in the past few weeks there have been VERY visible baby movements that can be seen by the unaided eye.
Pertinent facts: last estimated weight of the baby was 8lb 6oz, that was last Friday. Tomorrow (Wednesday) Feb 18th 2009 will be exactly 39 weeks from conception. Stephanie probably doesn't want me to publish her weight, but she has gained a healthy amount (see photo). The baby is a girl and has the right number of chromosomes. We had a newer test done at Baylor to identify copy number variants not found in either Stephanie or me; there were none detected.
We have gotten a flood of calls and emails from well-wishers. Very touching, we are certainly not going into this alone. The main priority for tonight is to get some rest, easier said than done...
Singing off. Abraham (still not a father) Palmer
Just FYI tomorrow is the 18th - just so your typo does dictate the day. Or perhaps you are having prescient moment for amount of time this will take! Very Exciting!!!
ReplyDeleteOK, typo fixed. Thanks for watching my back.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck. We both wish you well.
ReplyDeleteBut you are a father, even if child is not born at the moment. From moment of conception your responsibility began ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm excited and here to help if you'd like! :D
ReplyDeletewow, a 48 hour waiting period? the stork delivery system is hopelessly flawed. I'd recommend fedex for your next delivery, guaranteed overnight AND insured!